What's Proren ?
ProRen was developed to rename files. But it doen't work like the rename-command.
Everyone who has to
deal with larger animation will surely like it. It offers you the ability to
rename thousands of frames with different filenames into one single format
containing the Basename (not necessary) plus an Index (up to 6 digits).
Short example:
old name new Name
Hansi.iff frame.001
UlrichsKopf.br frame.002
Petra frame.003
Logo1 frame.004
Logo2 frame.005
Portrait_von_mir frame.006
Here frame is the basename, 001 to 004 is Index.
Second possibility:
old name new Name
Pic.000 Anim.010
Pic.001.iff Anim.011
Picture.2.jpg Anim.012
Bild.0003 Anim.013
Pic.5 Anim.014 or Anim.015 (choosable)
Here the index was moved by 10.
Any filename except the following could be used as source
- If not all files have an index or any index occures twice, files can only be
renamed alphabetically.
- The digit must not be bigger than 999999 and not be smaller than -99999.
- Negative digits become positive except when the Search sign Gadget is activated.
As a concequence that all changes are saved you can of course undo them.
That gives you the following possibilities:
The single frames of an animation exist of BASENAME and DIGIT:
- You're using different basenames (for different scenes). Using ProRen gives
you the possibility to rename them all the same without doing it by hand.
- If you want to insert another sequence after a frame ProRen can move the indices up.
- You want the frames to be renamed reverse? The included arexx-script does
this for you.
- You will have other useful ideas, what to do with this tool.